
Friday 27 April 2012

wanderlust : kenya


Hello friends! some of you know this already, but my wonderful husband (caleb) & I (clara) are headed to Africa for a 3-week trip THIS SATURDAY!!!! Yes, tomorrow we'll be flying out of Edmonton and into Nairobi, Kenya & we couldn't be more excited!

The flights are a graduation (slash birthday/christmas/the next 5 birthdays and christmases...haha) gift from my parents since Caleb is finishing his Engineering Degree in just a couple days! 
& from Caleb's parents we received a three-day safari that we are soooooo excited for! 

Here's a little bit of what we're doing over there...

Firstly & foremost, we are going to Africa on a missions trip. Although this is a gift given to us by our parents, Caleb & I wanted to be serving Christ and pursuing something we're very passionate about rather than simply going on a vacation. We have both felt called to Africa, and though this is my first time going, Caleb has been to Kenya before on a missions trip when he was 18! 
Doesn't he look soooo young & cute?   =) 

Most of our time will be spent working with various missionaries, first in Nairobi at an orphanage/school/church then in Northern Kenya with two different tribal groups in Kor and Kurungu; however, here's a list of other adventures we'll be going on as well...

ADVENTURES : Yes, we're going on a safari & yes, we're going to an elephant orphanage + giraffe centre in Nairobi! I'm just bursting with excitement!

WEARING : lots of maxi skirts! look out for some future outfit posts with some gorgeous 
maxi skirts I've found while thrifting for this trip =)


PLACES : Korr, one of the Northern tribal areas that we'll be spending time in.

PEOPLE : we'll be hanging out with the Rendille people in Northern Kenya, aren't they beautiful?

FOOD : yes, this photo is horrible, and yes, the menu says zebra, ostrich, croc, & hartebeest...crazy!

SOMETHING TO REMEMBER : Although we are soooo excited for the adventures we'll be going on in this trip, please pray that we will remember this! We'd also love prayers for safety, 
that all our flights would go smoothly, and that our eyes and hearts would be 
open to the amazing things that God has in store for us. 

Be back in May! =)

ps: clara ♥ 

pps: although I'll be out of Canada, I've saved up a bunch of draft posts for Kelsey & Jordyn to post for me while I'm gone, so keep an eye out for more posts while I'm in Africa!


  1. We are so incredably excited for you guys!!!!! And we will be praying for safety and that you will be empassioned with what God wants reveal to you. We're proud of both of you.
    Mom and Dad H

  2. SO SO SO excited for you!!! Can't wait to hear all your stories and see all your photos - May God guide your every step there!

  3. Have a blessed time in Kenya! I hope you are blessed by everyone you meet and are able to be a blessing in return.


  4. thank-you everyone!! :) I can't wait to get back and share everything with you all!


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