
Friday 4 May 2012

wish list : camera craze

So right now I don't have a DSLR camera, but I desperately want one.  I am interested in expanding my photography knowledge, and the video quality on some of them is AMAZING! 
Here are a few camera and camera related items that are on my wish list at the present time.

First is the Nikon D5100.  I have had my eye on this camera for a while now, and there is a good chance I will be purchasing it soon, which is super exciting!

Find it here.

Next is something a little less practical.  This is the Lomokino 35mm Movie Camera.  It creates awesome vintage stop motion videos using 35mm film.  This thing is a beauty, and would be so fun to use for wedding videos.

Find it at the Photojojo Store!

This is probably the creepiest thing on my wish list.  Kelsey sent me a link to this a while ago and I was so disturbed.  But the more I look at it the more I like it.  It is a magnetic cat thing, that also films little movies.  Super strange.

Find it at the Four Corner Store.

I guess this technically doesn't need to be on my wish list, because I bought it a few days ago.  However, I thought I would share it with you so you could be excited about it too!  It is a Cam Caddie Scorpion - a camera stabilizer.  Using the weight of the camera attached, it helps create smooth videos.  I am hoping to film some pretty sweet videos with it soon, and I know it will be a big help when it comes to wedding videos.

Find it at the Photojojo Store! makes me want so many things I never new existed.  This photographical smoke is one of them.  I am imagining the possibilities now!

The smoke in action!

Find it at the Photojojo Store!

Finally we have the biggest piece of equipment I want, the Cobra Crane camera jib.  This would allow for ridiculously smooth and amazingly beautiful camera shots and angles.
I think this is something I will have to save up for and think about for a while.  I don't want to get too ahead of myself with the equipment I am buying, but it will definitely stay on my wish list.

Find it here.

Well I hope you enjoyed this little glimpse into my filming world.  If I had unlimited funds I would buy all this in a heartbeat!  Let me know: what's on your wish list?

ps: jordyn ♥

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