
Saturday 4 August 2012

outfit of the day: pink lace

Today's outfit was inspired by our very own Kelsey!  We went shopping together and almost had to arm wrestle over who would get to buy this dress.  Though in the end, we decided to both buy it.  So yet again we find ourselves with the same article of clothing, in different colours.  

Kelsey bought this pocket watch necklace for me for Christmas, and it continues to be one of my favourite accessories.  It is so cute and vintage looking, and I always have the time close at hand.

I absolutely love the POP of colour this dress has.  It makes such a fun summer outfit.  Perfect for a walk on the beach or chilling at the park with friends.

Though this was a very Kelsey-esque outfit, I definitely added my own flair!  (with moustaches of course)

You may recognize this jacket from Kelsey's "a jean jacket crush" post.  I have been secretly envying her jacket, so when we went to American Eagle I just had to get one for myself!  Both the jacket and the dress are from American Eagle, surprisingly one of my favourite stores to shop at (though I often frequent the sales rack).

Again, a big thank you to Kelsey for taking and editing these photos for me!  She is such a champ.

p.s.  jordyn ♥


  1. Lovely photos! That dress is amazing! I can see why you both of you got the dress! your Toms are sooo perfect as well!

    1. Thank you :)
      I absolutely love this dress, and it is really comfortable too! Which is such a nice bonus with cute clothes :P

  2. I the moustache Toms!

  3. one of my best friends and i somehow always end up matching, and/or buying the same pieces of clothing. oh well! super cute pink dress :)

    1. Haha I guess that is what happens when you go shopping with your best friends!
      Oh well, it affirms that we have great style ;)

  4. You look lovely! That dress is the perfect colour and has the perfect amount of lace (a lot!).


  5. Lovely in lace...looks fabulous! Great colour too, for any time of year, but it really sings in summer... WOW!

  6. I somehow stumbled across your blog while looking for reviews of TOMS this evening. I am looking at purchasing my very first pair! I have read all sorts of stories on various websites about TOMS making feet really sweaty so I have been hesitant to buy a pair myself. Has this been your experience with TOMS or are your feet always dry when you wear them?

    Fantastic website, by the way! You have a new fan!


    1. Hey Sarah!
      I understand where people are coming from when they say that their feet get a bit sweaty in TOMS. I personally have not been super bothered by it, but if you tend to get sweaty feet in general maybe they aren't the shoe for you! Think of them kind of like flats, but more fabric-y and they cover more of your feet. In the end it is still your bare foot in a shoe!
      Hope this helps :)

    2. Very true. I have lousy genetics when it comes to foot sweat! I am not sure if it is because I am partly obsessive-compulsive, but I have such an intense fear of my shoes smelling! Next time you wear your TOMS, and your feet sweat, can you double check there is definitely no smell? I may have to look at the crochet style TOMS which appear to be more breathable if your nose detects an odor from your TOMS or feet! Thanks!


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