
Saturday 15 September 2012

outfit post: out of this world

These babies are the stars of the show this week.  Hand painted with love for my birthday by my dear friend Ashley, they have definitely moved to the very top of my favorite shoes list!

This outfit was definitely inspired by one of my favourite TV shows: Doctor Who!  Last February Kelsey and I decided we wanted to watch Doctor Who together, but there was the small problem of her being in Vancouver, and me being in Abbotsford.
However we quickly found that skyping someone, while wearing headphones and watching TV is almost the same as watching it while sitting right next to them!  We could still make goofy comments about the endearing cheesiness of the show, or talk about the funny costumes/humor.

I feel just as cool as Captain Jack Harkness in my shrunken leather jacket from H&M, just as healthy as a Time Lord with two hearts, and just as free as the Tardis, traveling through time and space with my custom galaxy shoes!

I just can't get enough of these shoes.  It blows my mind that Ashley hand painted them!  This is the same Ashley who helped us out with all of my photo booth props.  She is crazy talented at arts and crafts.  I want to wear these shoes with every outfit!

Indeed, I ♥ ♥ DW/Tardis.  This show is funny, clever, and endearing.  I am so glad Kelsey and I decided to watch it together.  We love bonding over cheesy scifi, and this show has definitely made its way into our hearts.

Hope everyone had a great week :)


p.s. jordyn♥

1 comment:

  1. I'm in did she paint those? They look professional. Sweet kicks!!


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